Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Breaking News

  • The CHI is very pleased to introduce our new CHI Coordinator/Project Manager: Elizabeth A. Burkhardt. Elizabeth's first day on the job will be Monday February 2. Elizabeth is a recent graduate of Winona State University, holding a degree in Social Work and Community Health Promotion. In addition to an impressive academic career, Elizabeth brings excellent professional experience to this position as well. She has created a Service Learning Project at Winona State University to reduce binge drinking on campus; organized a Hmong Alcohol Free Youth Group in Winona; worked at Winona Middle School to educate middle school students on health topics; worked on several Goodhue County Public Health initiatives while competing an internship in that department, including participating in Catalyst MN Youth Anti-Smoking Summit and promoting health eating to Elementary Students and the elderly in Goodhue County. Elizabeth will be a tremendous asset to the CHI as it prepares for a second cycle of funding from the Drug Free Communities Support Program in 2010.
  • Julie Hatch, School-Based Prevention Specialist for the CHI will soon be completing the tabulation of the CHI Student Surveys completed by the 6th/9th/12th graders of all schools within the Goodhue County Education District. When the statistics have been recorded and analyzed, the CHI will host a county-wide meeting in March to review the data with school and county officials as well as youth-serving organizations in Goodhue County.
  • The CHI is assisting local CHI Councils in Goodhue and Zumbrota in planning and implementing a Community Assessment around alcohol and drug issues in those communities. The CHI will partner with the Minnesota Prevention Resource Center to identify an Assessment Tool that will produce important data about local citizens' attitudes, opinions and needs in this area of chemical health. The results of the Assessment will provide the foundation for the development of a strategic plan for the Councils' activities and programs in the upcoming year.

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